Final Post

This is the final post for this blog.

The earth went around the sun a full lap since this blog started. This last year has had several good days and several bad days, just like most years. I was able to travel and spend a lot of time with family and good friends. My wife and I were able to spend many good days at home. We were able to spend time with our pets, and were able to spend time in nature to recharge our souls. Like the song says, "Its the laughter we will remember" and we had much laughter this year, far more than tears.

I have never attempted to take a photo a day before this and I found quickly I needed to get creative with the photos or it would have been all nature and pet photos. I starting taking photos of what was going on in my life, books I was reading, dinners, my wife's plants. I originally was not going to take any photos at work but soon realized that work is a big part of my life and I needed to capture my work life as well.

I missed taking photos twice during this last year. The first time was due to a busy day and me just forgetting. The second was on a terrible day,  I forgot about taking a photo until the last minute, and just couldn't find the motivation to take one when I remembered. For the record I did forget a few other times so a few of the photos were taken with only an hour or two to spare (and at least one with minutes to spare).

Not all the photos were great, more than a few were really bad. I sometimes included the bad ones because that was the only photo I had that day. I tried to take several photos a day. About three times a week I took three or more photos during the day. Two or three days a week, on average,  I only took one photo for the whole day. Occasionally, I would take dozens of photos or more in a day. I only used one photo for the photo of the day no matter how many I took.  I would add extra photos on any given day for may reasons; wanting to tell a whole story, wanting to show the day had several layers, because I had several photos I liked, or because I wanted to, for no particular reason.

The top used labels were Home, Nature, Wife, Friends, Pets, Church, Restaurant, Geek, Food, Books, Work and Holiday. OK, restaurants and food are both up there, I like to eat, sue me. Work was every week day and should have a higher number of posts but most work days are the same. 

I will be continuing with a more traditional blog starting in a few weeks. It is titled Bubba Wand's Wanderings and can be found at

Thank you for following this blog all year.

Bubba W

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