March 8, 2012

Today I am thinking about my cousin. Her service was today in another state. Money and time prevented me from being there. I look forward to the last day when I can be reunited with all whom I love who have left this world. 

March 7, 2012

Free Dinner

March 6, 2012

Driving to work directly into the sun. Next week daylight savings time will kick in and it will be dark in the morning.

March 5, 2012

Off work and took the dog for a walk

March 4, 2012

Birthday Dinner

 I was the first one in church today. It was quiet and the alter was dark. Before I got to work I spent a few minutes in the dark. I prayed and sought comfort in the dark church. Last night I found out my cousin died very unexpectedly. Her death caught me off guard and threw me for kind of a loop. I pray for her Husband, Daughter, and Son who have had the most important person in their lives leave this earth. I pray for her Sister and Niece and Nephew and for my Dad and Sister who have lost someone close. In the dark church I found comfort for my own ache and confusion and was able to pray. In the dark church I found comfort that on the last day we will all be reunited.

March 3, 2011

Today we took our niece to the American Girl Store.

Shopping Complete
Discussing the purchases

In line
Paying with her own money