What is a project 365?

A project 365 is taking a (or several) photo(s) every day for one year. This blog will be where I post those photos. I am also starting a second blog for things like poems, insights, thoughts and travelogue type stuff. I will post that type of stuff here:

Why do this?
As I grow older I have noticed that time is moving faster and faster. When I was young, summer lasted forever, now I am older and summer seems only a few weeks. I want to take a year of my life and look back at it and see what I missed.

What will you post?
Anything that catches my eye. A photo of my wife or myself, my friends and family, my pets, a nature photo, a really nice meal or anything else.

How will you take the photos?
I will use my Nikon SLR, my iPhone and my wife's Sony rangefinder. 

Will you edit or photoshop your photos?
No, the idea is to look at a year of my life as is. I may edit the photos I use here for other purposes but the unedited, unphotoshoped versions will be on this blog.

How often will you post?
I don't know yet. My plan is to post daily, but the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray, so we will see. I think that I will post weekly at least.

What will the format look like?
I will let you know as I figure it out. I have never maintained a blog before so I am sure it will change as I go.

When will you start?
Right now I am looking to start July 23, 2011

Here is the type of photo I will try to post daily

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